What is hybrid tint
Hybrid tint is the newest form of brow tinting on the market its highly pigmented gel dye has the ability to stain the skin beneath the hairs to give a fuller more even appearance. This is not suitable for clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
How long does it last?
Hybrid tint can last on the skin anywhere up to a week and around 7 weeks on the brow hair.

What is the difference between Allure Brow tint, Hybrid Brows and Henna brows?
Brow tint & Shape
Our only tint suitable for clients that are pregnant / breastfeeding. Any stain on the skin will wash off the same day so this tint is only suitable for clients without gaps in the brows and naturally a very symmetrical shape. This is perfect for those who only wish to tint the hairs, the tint will last around 2 weeks on the hairs.
Hybrid Tint
This sits directly in between brow tint & henna brows. Hybrid tint casts a shadow like appearance on the skin without tinting the brow hair so dark. This adds symmetry, fullness, and depth and a make up like appearance. It offers similar lasting results to Henna brows, with a slightly less intense look, it is great for blonde clients or anyone wanting a softer look.
Henna Brows
This treatment is for clients wanting a bolder look. Henna is a powder solution which coats the hairs for a more intense result. This can be a great alternative to permanent make up.
Due to brow regrowth, most clients rebook around 4-5 weeks later for this treatment.
To get the best possible result for your hybrid brows it is important to read Allure Brows pre treatment advice:
• You must be over 16 years old.
• You must visit the clinic 48+ prior to appointment to receive a skin test, this will be arranged on booking.
• Hybrid tint is most effective on squeaky clean skin! It is advised to gently exfoliate the face & brow area 1 day prior. Tint will NOT stick to dry flaky skin.
• To create the best shape, I recommend to grow your brows for as long as possible, I often see ingrown hairs from threading / tweezing too often or gaps in shape due to trimming your own brows too short. LET THEM GO WILD!
• Avoid moisturiser close to the area on the day of your appointment, Hybrid is not as effective on oily skin, this prevents the tint developing and staining.
• Avoid using tanning products 1 week prior, Tint can turn green when used over fake tan, when waxing this will also remove the tan from around the brows (not a good look!)
• Avoid sun beds / sun exposure 2 days prior, we cannot treat sun burnt skin, waxing on the same day as a sun bed may cause a burn on your skin.
You must be off accutane medications for a minimum 6 months +.
* Do not rub the area treated area.
* Avoid heat treatments for 24 hours.
* Do not apply brow make-up for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
* Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this can cause the tint to fade.
* Avoid swimming/saunas for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
* Avoid perfumed products for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
* Please note that oil based make up removers, scrubs and peels can cause the tint to fade quicker
* Exposure to the sun/UV lights for long periods can cause the tint to fade quicker
* Avoid fake tan for 48 hours as it can discolour the tint.
* Do not use a brow tint for 3 weeks as this can cause a reaction.